I lost my keys. Again. Nothing new there, it happens just about every day. The thing that made this time all the more frustrating was that yesterday, I saw my keys on my desk where they didn't belong so I dutifully picked them up with the intention of putting them in my purse. I headed upstairs to my room but somewhere along the way I got distracted. I have no idea what distracted me. The distance from my desk to my room is not far, less than 25 seconds at a leisurely pace. It took less than 25 seconds for me to completely forget about my keys.
This morning, I needed my keys. I was sure they were in my purse since the last thing I remembered was taking them upstairs but they weren't there. They HAD to be there, I just put them there yesterday!
I emptied my purse. No luck.
I retraced my steps trying to remember the last thing I did with them. Again, no luck.
I looked in the craft room, the bathroom, my bedroom, on my desk. Nothing.
At this point I felt the all too familiar anger rising and the accusatory inner voices shouting:
"How could I be so stupid?"
"Really??? Really, is it THAT hard to complete the simple task of putting my keys away?"
"Why didn't I just leave them on my desk?"
"WHY do I have to go through this PRACTICALLY EVERY DAY???"
I was on the verge of completely melting down but I managed to regain a shred of self control. Getting angry wasn't going to solve anything. So I tried retracing my steps one more time. When I got to my room, I looked down at the pile of clothes on the floor. What was I wearing yesterday? My blue jeans. Could I have put them in my pocket? Possibly. I checked. They were there. Disaster averted.
This is life with ADHD. Sometimes it gets really tiring.